
Mission 1:27 exists to assist the body of Christ in fulfilling our God-given mandate to care "for the least of these." Join us as we "visit orphans...in their affliction" and support those who are called by God's grace into the miracle of adoption.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2011 Starts With a Boom!

Mission 1:27 has started off the new year with a few exciting things. I have seen the Holy Spirit at work and have felt so covered in prayer by my faithful warrior friends. Thank you and God bless each one:).

A great 2000 Smokercraft fishing boat has been donated for us to sell and help out families who are adopting or hoping to. God already knows who will be the buyer, but we could use your help on this. If you know anyone who may be interested in this boat(pic will be posted soon) please encourage them to contact me at: 616-747-6267 or toniajbk@hotmail.com
Remember, ALL the $ given to us for this boat will help bring one of God's precious little ones home to their forever family! So, if you are thinking of purchasing a boat, now is a great time as you will be getting a boat and giving to a cause that is close to the heart of God. Please pray, and contact me with any questions or comments.

2000 SMOKERCRAFT details:
  • 50 horse/2 stroke
  • autopilot electric 12-volt Minn Kota trolling
  • dual live well/front-back/automatic/aerrated
  • 4C
  • never any problems with motor, doesn't leak any water
  • trailer has torsion suspension
  • $6800 OBO

Owner simply chose to go to a larger boat.

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Mission 1:27 300 South State Street Suite 10 Zeeland, MI. 49464

100% of your gift goes to help with the orphan crisis

Mission 1:27 is a not for profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, whose purpose is to glorify God by providing financial assistance to Christian families.