
Mission 1:27 exists to assist the body of Christ in fulfilling our God-given mandate to care "for the least of these." Join us as we "visit orphans...in their affliction" and support those who are called by God's grace into the miracle of adoption.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Fundraising Sale - September 10 & 11

What: Yard/garage style Fundraiser
When: September 10th and 11th, 8:30 a.m.
Why: Help the VanderZwaag family bring home Luisa
Where: Quincy & 104th corner, big grey barn

  • Drop off donations (priced or not, it's up to you), Sept. 9 after 4:00. at the grey barn. We will be there setting up that evening.
  • If you don't have anything to donate, make sure to come and shop for a good cause:)
  • Donate candy or snacks (Costco,Sam's) for us to sell
  • All proceeds from the sale will go to the VanderZwaag's to pay the 'ransom' for Luisa.
  • If you have tables we could use please bring them on the 9th as well for set up
  • Tell your friends!
  • check http://vanderzwaagfamily.blogspot.com for more information about the VZ's.
  • Thoughts and suggestions welcome:)
  • Hope to see you then!!

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Mission 1:27 300 South State Street Suite 10 Zeeland, MI. 49464

100% of your gift goes to help with the orphan crisis

Mission 1:27 is a not for profit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, whose purpose is to glorify God by providing financial assistance to Christian families.